Hosting fee service
As former Matterport Service Providers, we understand how easy it is to let payments slip through the cracks. That’s why we created our hosting fee service that lets you automatically generate invoices, send reminders and process payments.

What’s included?

Stripe integration
Our seamless integration with Stripe means you can trust that your hosting fees will be processed safely and efficiently.

Client profiles
Track client preferences, provide a personalised service, and see each client’s billing information and payment history.

Custom tax rates
Avoid unnecessary penalties by applying custom tax rates to your hosting fees. We ensure that your tax calculations are accurate and that your payments are compliant with regional tax regulations.

Invoices & payment links
Manage finances with downloadable invoices and accessible payment links, simplifying financial management and enhancing cash flow visibility.
Ready to automate hosting fees?
Sign up for a 30 day free trial today and receive 75 CAPTUR3D credits to try our services.
Never chase an unpaid invoice
Automated billing
Eliminate the burden of admin and manual follow-ups with automated recurring billing for hosted properties.
Top notch security
Ensure the safety and reliability of your transactions with our secure Stripe payment processing.
Easy management
Keep track of every hosted property, invoices and payment links in one easy-to-use dashboard.